Immigrants and flights are arriving in UK and Ireland, but will unionists have anything to say about it?

Letter to the editorLetter to the editor
Letter to the editor | Johnston Press Resell
All will welcome the fact that our prime minister is back behind the podium outside 10 Downing Street addressing the nation.

He is very able to give leadership and our nation is looking to him for such at present especially in controlling our borders.

Despite confining the majority of the country to house arrest apart from being allowed out once a day to exercise or go shopping, flights continue to arrive from China, Italy, Spain and other destinations which are coronavirus hotspots, bringing over 100,000 passengers a week to the UK with no checks or tests to see if they are bringing the virus with them.

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In addition, dozens of illegal immigrants continue to arrive on the beaches of Kent and Sussex every day, brought over by people smugglers from the virus hotspot of France.

Despite there now being a surge in the number of unemployed people in the UK due to the closure and potential bankruptcy of millions of small and medium sized businesses, plane loads of Romanians have flown in to the UK to work on British farms — again without any testing or arrangements to quarantine anyone who may be bringing the virus to the UK.

This very question must be asked of the Republic of Ireland also who recently had plane loads coming in from Bulgaria.

What indeed is to stop these immigrants coming across the Irish border into Northern Ireland?

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As it is few people will be able to fulfil foreign holiday plans this year because of the restrictions, yet what have our own unionist leadership got to say concerning illegal immigrants?

Will they apply pressure on Boris Johnson in this regard?

Raymond Stewart, Newtownabbey

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